
How to Turn Your Car Into a NASCAR Racecar

How to Turn Your Car Into a NASCAR Racecar

Every petrolhead would probably imagine what it is like to race around the track and the stunning satisfaction of crossing the finish line after an exhilarating competition. Regrettably, most of us might never have that possibility – not even when in the presence of applauding spectators.

While we might not be spraying on the F1 victors’ podium or being dealt with by markets betting on NASCAR, this doesn’t mean that we can’t make our cars look sensational. Check out the tips below now to learn about some of the things you can do to get your car ready for the track.

Get a Paint Job

You may not want to go the whole way and include sponsors, but for a fresh NASCAR look, one of the most important things you can do is get the bodywork sprayed. Why keep the same, boring factory color when you can really catch all the attention by using a replica NASCAR color scheme?

Giving your car a new paint job will change the look of the vehicle straight away. All those little imperfections that aged it prematurely will now be gone with a sparkling new color. Adding a number might be a little bit over the top, but we are looking to completely transform your car here.

Install a Racing Seat

You may not have any plans to actually race your car, but you can capture the look by installing a racing seat. The look and design of a bucket seat automatically make your car look more sporty and closer to its NASCAR cousins. Check that you have the right shape and size though, as they come in different styles.

Aside from the aesthetic appeal of a racing seat, it is also a very durable and lightweight addition. You can also find good-quality seats at any car accessories store – and the prices charged should not break the bank.

Increase the Air Flow

Up until now, we have been concentrating on the look of a NASCAR-themed car. But for a greater return from your vehicle, you will need to do some work under the hood too. A simple corrective piece of work is changing the air filter. If the filter is clogged, you definitely won’t be getting the best performance from your car.

Your engine will thank you for changing the filter – and you will find that it runs far smoother than before. Another advantage of this kind of work is that you will get better gas mileage. In the current economic climate that is definitely something that we can all get on board with.

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Written by Liviu Marcus

Liviu is the founder and chief editor of Automotivesblog. He is passionate about cars, computers, and technology, and these things are part of his everyday life. He likes to do research on everything that exists in the automotive industry in order to share with you the most important information in this field. Many nights were lost for this, but Liviu has no regrets as long as everything he does is a passion—the passion for cars and everything related to them.

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