
Best Tools for Mobile Auto Detailing

Pressure Washer Steam Washer

A clean car is a car that is a head turner. An exotic car is not essential for you to be looked at while traveling. A polished car is going to catch your eye as much, if not more than an exotic vehicle. This kind of street cred can be obtained through auto detailing. With a thorough detailing job, your car will sparkle inside and out. However, the interesting thing about car detailing is the possibility of being mobile. As an entrepreneur who is thinking of starting an auto detailing business or a person who likes detailing in general, you ought to know that there is no need for a particular place for the activity. Only a few tools to start with.

Let’s take a look at some of the important tools ou will need to get started with mobile auto detailing:

A Transport Vehicle

transport vehicle for steam washer

Getting a transport vehicle is much easier than renting a place of your own and you can take it anywhere. You can use your vehicle for the job but you will need loads of space to stack all your tools and equipment. Therefore, the easiest and best way out is to loan a small cargo van. You can park it anywhere and your equipment will easily fit inside.

Pressure Washer/Steam Washer

Pressure Washer Steam Washer

Any detailing job requires a car wash. But to clean the vehicle with precision, you need a pressure washer. This tool allows you to clean all the crucial areas of the car. But pressure washers waste a lot of water. What you need is the best steamer for mobile detailing, powered by Lamborghini. A steamer will perform the same job as a pressure washer but without using too much water and without making a mess everywhere.

Good Quality Polisher

polishing car

A polishing machine will save you tons of time by helping you rub that wax polish to get the perfect finish. This is a highly necessary tool for a detailing job, so don’t overlook it in pursuit of other fancy equipment. Along with the polishing machine, you would also need to invest in polishing pads. They are the ones doing the rubbing job.

Portable Vacuum Cleaner

portable car vacuum cleaner

The exterior washing makes the exterior easy to clean but the interior needs a vacuum cleaner to remove all the dirt especially when detailing the engine. The vacuum cleaner that you employ for the interior cleaning of your vehicle can be the difference between good and great car detailing.

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Written by Liviu Marcus

Liviu is the founder and chief editor of Automotivesblog. He is passionate about cars, computers, and technology, and these things are part of his everyday life. He likes to do research on everything that exists in the automotive industry in order to share with you the most important information in this field. Many nights were lost for this, but Liviu has no regrets as long as everything he does is a passion—the passion for cars and everything related to them.

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